Many new car keys have a microchip in them to prevent duplication.
Car key fix.
These vehicles still usually have a physical key for locking and unlocking the doors but it may be hidden.
They will either repair the key or provide a replacement car key if it s a remote key fob the locksmith can programme a new key.
The key fob will often have a hidden key inside so if you don t have a physical key for your vehicle then check the fob for a release button or switch.
If you have broken your car keys and need them repairing or even got your car keys stuck in the lock ignition to your vehicle an auto locksmith approved by the mla can help.
A basic key with a security chip that starts the car and locks and unlocks the doors through the key cylinder on the door.
Depending on the sophistication of your car key you may be able to have a new electronic key programmed by a locksmith.
Another solution is to use conductive coating which is available at electronic shops.
However if you have a key with a transponder in it you can probably get a new one at a locksmith for 50 00 120 00 depending on your car and your area.
First use a tiny bit of metallic paint applied gingerly with a paint brush or build up the contact surface by rubbing it with a pencil.
To rebuild the contact surface do one of several things.
Reopen the fob if the clean contacts did not make a difference.